Choose the correct answer.

1 The Sun …  in the East.

a) is always rising           b) always is rising

c) rises always                в) always rises


2 Tom didn’t call the police. Mary didn’t call … … .

a) them, either               b)  them, too

c) him, either                 d) him, too


3 What’s Tom like? He ………….. .

a) likes a cup of tea      b) is liking football

c) isn’t very nice            d) isn’t very well


4 I have just finished … my  shopping.

a) to make    b) doing      с) to do     d) to make


5 Tom is waiting ………..  the doctor

a)  to see   b) for to see        c) for seeing    d) for see


6 Take an umbrella … it rains.

a) in any case        b) in case      с) because      d) for


7 I wish I … what to do.

a) knew     b) have known        с) know      d) would know


8 If only he had worked harder, … the exam.

a) he would not fail                 b) he would have passed

с) he had passed                   d) he would have not failed


9 I’m going to the hairdresser’s to … .

a) cut my hair              b) have my hair cut

с) have cut my hair    d) cut me my hair


10 … he earns, the more he spends.

a) How much      b) For how much

с) The more         d) The most


11 What is the capital of Wales?

a) Belfast        b) Edinburgh        с) Cardiff       d) Glasgow


12 What is the emblem of England?

a) thistle       b) red rose      с) poppy     d) shamrock


13 Washington is a beautiful … city without much industry, US congress has sits seat in the Capitol, and the White House is the residence of the President.

a) business centre of        b) famous

с) important                       d) administrative


14 Where is Edinburgh situated?

a) Ireland       b) Wales            с) England       в) Scotland


15 There are many beautiful parks, theatres, museums, cinemas and shops in the … end of London.

a) East               b) West       с) North         в) South


16 Where are many great Englishmen as Newton, Darwin and others buried?

 a) In Westminister Abbey             b) In the Tower Bridge

с) In Buckingham Palace              d) In the City


17 The centre of London is called … .

 a) The East End           b) The West End

 c) The Bank Street       d The City


18 I feel fine because I … .

a) have gone to bed early tonight

b) have gone to bed early last night

с) went to bed early tonight

d) went to bed early last night


19 … interesting trip!

a) What a        b) What an     с) What        d) Which


20 … clever animals!

a) What      b) What a         c) Which        d) What an


21The table is made of … metal.

a) –        b) a            с) an           d) the


22 Silver is … metal.

a) an         b) a          с) –        d) the


23 Mary works in … hospital.

a) the          b) a              с) –       d) an


24 Nancy is in … hospital now. She goes to … hospital every year.   

a) -/-     b) a/the      с) a/a                d) the/a


25 Although he felt very …, he smiled… .

a) angrily, friendly                 b) angry, friendly 

с) angry, in a friendly way     d) angrily, in a friendly way


26  I … to America.

a) have often been      b) often have been           

c) have been often      d) has been often


27 You look … a teacher.

a) like         b) as        с) the same like     d) the same to


28 This is … winter for 20 years.      

a) the more bad         b) worst      с) the worse     d) the worst


29 She is much taller … me.

a) than       b) as           с) that        d) then


30 He lives in the same street … me.

a) that         b) like             с) as            d) than


31Her eyes … a very light blue.

a) are              b) have               с) has                 d) is


32 I went to London … clothes.

a) for buy       b) for to buy        с) for buying         d) to buy


33 You can’t live very long  without … .

a) to eat       b) eat        с) eating         d) you eat


34 I want you … to me.

a) to write        b) writing         с) written       d) write


35 I heard her … the room.

a) to enter    b) entering      с) entered      d) to be enter


36 Let him … to the cinema.

a) go          b) to go          с) going         d) goes


37 This is the first time I … a sports car.

a) have driven           b) am driving      с) drive      d) to drive


38 I look forward … you soon.

a) to see                b) to seeing       с) see       d) seeing


39 Nobody phoned, did … ?

a) he        b) she       с) it         d) they


40 If you were ever in trouble, I’d give you all the help you … .

a) needed      b) would need        с) will need        d) need


41″When did you come home?” – Ann asked him. Ann asked him “When he … home.”

a) come             b) came       с)  had come        d) comes


42 I’m sorry you … smoke here.

a) can’t            b) must        с) have to       d) had to


“Now sir, you saw the accident, I believe. Would you mind …43… me  what happened?”

“Not at all, officer. The driver of the red car was parked there. He …44… when a Black Ford came up very quickly. If he …45… in his mirror, he would have seen the Ford coming. But he …46… in a hurry. The Ford hit him but didn’t stop.”

“Do you take down the Ford’s number?”

“No. Now I wish I …47… . I’ve never seen a driver before who didn’t stop after an  accident.”

“The Ford … 48… , sir. That …49… explain it. I’ll take down your name and address in case you … 50… as a witness.”



a) to tell        b) telling              с) to say      d) saying



 a) was just moving out       b) has jut moved out

 с) would just move out       d) is just moving



a) would look         b) did look        с) would have looked  

 d) had looked



a) ought to be             b) should have been

с) must have been      d) mustn’t have been



a) would have      b) did        с) had            d) would



a) may have been stolen       b) can have been stolen

с) may have been robbed     d) can have been robbed



 a) ought     b) has to          с) would          d) did



a) will be needed         b) are needed       

с) will need                  d) need